Welcome to my home page. I've updated the entire site adding a second Bikini Babes page and new photos. Also I've made the thumbnails bigger as several of you have requested. Included on this site are bios and photos of the following Foxy Ladies: Pamela Anderson Lee, Tyra Banks, Jennifer Lopez, Sung Hi Lee, and Yuko Aoki. I do hope you enjoy your visit and please email any comments you have to me by clicking here. Several people have emailed me complaining that they couldn't view my site because it had used up all of it's allocated bandwidt. But I can't afford to purchase additional bandwidth because I live on a fixed income so if you want my site to be accessable 24/7 please donate by clicking on the paypal link or join paypal by clicking here and I'll use the $5 I'll get for having a refferal to pay for the extra bandwidth. PayPal is free to join by the way so you can support my site at their expense. Cool huh? Or conduct a search below or on my search page. Help Me Pay For My Extra Bandwidt